Hi, I’m Lydia
In 2020, after dedicating nearly 15 years to the education sector, I experienced a major burnout that shook me to my core. The relentless pace I had been working at for the past few years took its toll, and I realized that it was time for a significant change. Although I had the ability to maintain that pace, something inside me shifted, and I knew that I no longer wanted to live my life in that way. Determined to find a better balance, I made the decision to completely overhaul my life. Gradually, I created a life that I truly love, where I have the freedom to work at a pace that aligns with my desires and ambitions. Now, I am able to prioritize my time and energy, striking a perfect balance between the responsibilities that need to be fulfilled and the activities that bring me joy and fulfillment. This newfound autonomy has allowed me to embrace life on my own terms and find a profound sense of happiness and contentment.
Can you relate to any of the following:
Feeling tired or drained most of the time (even if you’re getting decent sleep)
Desperate to slow down the pace of your life and feel more fulfilled?
Full of self-doubt regarding the choices you are making
Procrastinating and taking longer to get tasks achieved
Feeling overwhelmed
If you said yes to any of the above - I hear you!
As a qualified Coach, my focus is on helping you move from feeling ‘stuck’ to getting ‘stuck in’. If you’re here, it’s because you’re unsure of how to get yourself moving forwards - which is really relatable! It’s so hard to get unstuck by ourselves - that’s where I come in.
I am passionate about supporting you getting from A to B. Spending time exploring your current situation, understanding what obstacles you currently face and developing strategies and techniques to help you overcome these challenges is the reason I get out of bed in the morning!
My clients would describe me as empathetic, energetic, humorous and inquisitive - qualities that help make me the very best coach I can be.
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